Rasmus Høeberg

programmer within the fields of games and art
cv github

GEM (Gestural Electronic Music), 2022

interactive dance performance
collective project with Giulia Fournier-Mercandante, Giacomo Marinsalta and Tawfik Boujeh
development of real time reactive computer graphics using touchdesigner, glsl, sensorial input devices and AI generated motion tracking data

interflugs website, 2021

dynamic menu
webdesign Giacomo Marinsalta
development of spring system simulation made with javascript and html5

phorm, 2021

prototype of a nodebased visual programming language for real-time graphics
developed with C++ and OpenGL in the frame of the interactive live performance GEM

synthetik 2, 2021

action game for pc and consoles by flow fire games
gameplay programming using C# and Unity

raytracer, 2020

real-time raytracer made with C++ and OpenCL

voxel engine, 2018

generative landscape tool with editing features
solo project made with C++ and OpenGL
featured in experimental film spongeworld

live visuals, 2017

real-time generative visuals for live concert at Bolsjefabrikken, Copenhagen
collaboration with Julie Østengaard
developed with Max and openFrameworks


various glsl shaders